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The League Needs You...
Through the League, individuals like you have shaped the issues impacting our communities and our democracy since 1920. The League of Women Voters of Palo Alto is an all-volunteer organization whose success depends on the enthusiastic participation of our members. We are a grassroots organization. Volunteers make everything we do possible—from voter registration and education, to advocating for issues important to our community. Volunteers organize our educational programs, register voters and manage our election activities, advocate on issues, and enable us to function smoothly. 

Get Involved

Interested in getting involved in one or more of our core teams: Voter Services, Action Committees, and Management Teams?

Members, go to your Interest List to check and uncheck specific topics that interest you. We send emails about volunteering opportunities, events, actions alerts, and meetings based on which interests you check

Not a member? Please complete this interest form and one of our volunteers will contact you.

Voter Services Team:

Voter Information, Education, Registration
Help Make Democracy Work! The Voter Services team aims to fulfill the League’s mission of strengthening democracy through voter registration, voter education, and voter mobilization (GOTV). Contact us if you want to get involved in our activities or participate in any of the special teams described below: Youth Vote Team, Voter Education Resource Team, Beyond Palo Alto & Executive Team.

pile of VOTE buttons

Action Committees:

Action on Key Public Policy Issues
Learn about and get involved in one of these Action Committees on areas that matter to you. Contact Advocacy Chair Lisa Ratner or Committee Chair(s) to learn how you can help make a difference.

torso of person with black shirt holding sign that says DO YOUR PART

Management Teams:

Critical operational support to ensure our work is carried out in meaningful and strategic ways
Our Management Teams (described below) are:

Management team clipboards hanging on wall

Youth Vote Team

Our mission is to register, educate, and motivate 100% of eligible Palo Alto teens to become lifelong voters. Our volunteers visit school classrooms to do all three. In the fall of 2021 and spring of 2022, we visited classrooms at Paly, Gunn, Kehillah, Pinewood, and Middle College to register students to vote and educate them about voting. This work requires many volunteers!

Local Campaign Finance Reform Task Force

We studied other cities' approaches to local campaign finance reform and developed proposals for Palo Alto City Council elections. To learn how you can be involved, contact members:  Lisa Ratner, Kathy Miller, Karen Kalinsky, Nancy Neff .

Collaborations Team

To increase our League’s effectiveness, we identify other organizations that share our values and work with them toward issue goals. We partner, share resources, co-sponsor events and join coalitions. To learn more, contact Chair Karen Kalinsky.

Voter Education Resource Team

Our mission is to produce Pros & Cons events, candidate forums, a Voter Guide, and Voter’s Edge. We are also working with high school students to produce educational videos about voting. In the fall of 2022, the Voter Education team will be very busy preparing for the midterm election. Volunteer to moderate a Candidate Forum or be a Pros & Cons presenter. Write and research for-and-against arguments to help our voters make informed decisions on elections. Perfect for policy wonks and a great way to learn about issues! New volunteers are welcomed!

Natural Resources

The committee meets as needed to support specific projects or activities that address climate change issues.  Our committee focuses on two major topics:
  1. Food Waste
  2. Building electrification, with an emphasis on health and safety issues around methane gas.  
For information on this team's work or to join in, please contact Co-Chairs Mary O'Kicki or Hilary Glann.

Communications & Events Teams

Communications: We produce monthly VOTER newsletters and e-blasts; are active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; highlight on our website who we are, the actions and positions the League takes, upcoming events, and more. If you are interested in writing publicity pieces, creating content, publishing online, and sharing the important work that our League does, contact Chair Hannah Lu.

Events: This is a great team to join if you enjoy the programs our League offers and want to help plan future events. Contact Chair Myra Lessner.

Voter Services Beyond Palo Alto

Our mission is to engage local League members in get-out-the-vote (GOTV) campaigns for elections beyond Palo Alto's borders.

Gun Violence Prevention & Housing/Transportation Teams

Gun Violence Prevention Committee:  Meets as needed to support specific projects or activities that address gun violence prevention. Our committee focuses on advocacy and education to reduce the risk of violence caused by unsecured guns, and to reduce the risk of guns being in the hands of people who have been legally determined to be ineligible for gun possession. For location and further details, please  contact Co-chairs Stacey Ashlund or Hilary Glann.  

Housing & Transportation: To learn more, contact Chair Stephen Levy.

Nominating Committee

Who will be the next generation of League leaders? The Nominating Committee is always on the look-out to bring talented, diverse, and dedicated members to the League’s Board of Directors. This committee collaborates during the first few months of the calendar year and makes recommendations for a slate of Board nominees to be voted on at the Annual Meeting in the spring. To learn how you can help, contact the Board.

Voter Services Executive Committee

Oversees all Voter Services (VS) activities and reports to the LWVPA Board.

Observer Corps

Observes local government meetings to inform the Board and the public on the political process and monitor for League-relevant items. Training is provided. To learn about what's involved, or to volunteer as an Observer, contact the Board.

Membership and Fundraising Teams

Membership: For ways to be engaged with our Membership Team, contact Chair Sunny Dkywel.

Fundraising: If you are interested in the League’s fundraising efforts, contact Chair Mary Nemerov
Membership: Fundraising:

League of Women Voters of Palo Alto logo