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League of Women Voters of Palo Alto logo
What's New
The League of Women Voters Urges Congress to Exercise Its Authority -READ this urgent call to action from LWV US.  

Joining the League is a great way to play an active role in your community and in our democracy! Everyone is welcome - membership in the League of Women Voters is open to anyone 16 years or older. LWV recently switched to a new enrollment system called ChapterSpot. Read all about it on our membership page.

Voter Toolbox
Save our Voting Rights!Contact your representatives about the so-called " SAVE Act".  You can track the bill here.  Read the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice's analysis of this bill.   
Register to Vote 
Pre-register at 16 Vote at 18

Event Calendar

Lunch With The League
April 25th Noon - 1 pm  


Advocacy & News

Recent Articles

Analysis & Information

Recent Blogs

Take Action


Why Vote?



*Sometimes the League sponsors or publicizes events with other allied organizations. This happens when the goals/mission/values of the organizations are aligned with League positions (US, California, regional and local) and support or opposition of political parties or candidates is not the organization's primary mission.
League of Women Voters of Palo Alto logo